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one of the volunteers supporting our Houses?

Ronald McDonald Houses are supported by volunteers.
About 2,000 people are registered as volunteers for Ronald McDonald Houses!
They work at the Houses across the country every day to support sick children and their families.
Would you like to join us and participate in running the Houses?
* You must be a high school student or older and vaccinated to register as a volunteer.
- 01.About Volunteer Activities
What do you do? See our actual activities on a video.
- 02. Volunteer Interviews
Volunteers talk about what made them start volunteering and give messages to you.
- 03. Where you volunteer
Find a House where you can volunteer from any across the country.
- 04. About the Foundation
Learn more about the purpose and activities of the Foundation.
Volunteer Interviews
01. Fuchu House: Ms. Hiroko Suzuki
What made you start volunteering?
I had more time to spare after entering my 60s and my grandchildren started preschool, and I looked for something I could do. My first encounter with the House was in 2009. I learned about it from a newspaper flyer. I was worried that there would only be young volunteers, but I felt reassured when they told me “There’s nothing to worry about!” at a briefing session.
What do you find rewarding?
Among activities I’m engaged in, I found Meal Volunteering which prepares meals for guest families very rewarding because meals make them happy when they come back to the House from the hospital. It makes me feel that “we share our hearts”, “it makes me happy too” and “I want to do it again”.
Making guests happy also makes me happy and smile. It is also good for couples to volunteer together as some work in the facility needs the physical power of a man. You will have something in common to talk about and share memories.
02. Saitama House: Mr. Kenji Takahashi
What made you start volunteering?
When I was in my mid-40s, I wanted to do something for others and looked for a way to contribute to the community. In 2016, I found that Saitama House was recruiting volunteers, which led me to where I am today.
How do you balance volunteering with your work?
I volunteer twice a month on Saturdays. You can manage both as long as you are motivated and arrange your schedule ahead of time. “Helping and supporting each other,” which I value most in my life, may have helped me to strike a balance as a result.
You may feel uneasy taking the first step even if you want to volunteer or start something new. However, you have already taken the first step by being interested in such activities. What you need more is a little courage (to try something new)!
03. UTokyo House: Mr. Ouichiro Iso
What made you start volunteering?
My family stayed at the House when my sister had to stay in the hospital. After my sister got better, I wanted to start volunteering and contribute to providing a place where guest families spend time comfortably in peace. I started taking part in volunteering in 2017.
What do you find rewarding?
Although I could have contributed by making donations, I’m a student and the amount of money I can offer is very small. When I give something back to the House where I used to stay at and support people who need me through volunteering instead of donating money, I feel it's rewarding.
What does volunteering mean to you?
It’s an opportunity for a unique experience, which is not so common to gain at school or part-time jobs. The skills and experiences I acquire will for sure help me in my life moving forward. Volunteering is a way to have more options in life and enrich our lives.
04. UTokyo House: Ms. Yuui Nakamura
How do you balance volunteering and school?
I take part in volunteer work as much as possible during long vacations and after exams. I think it's important to draw a line when you can and when you can’t, and you should not push yourself when you can’t. I have been participating once or twice a month on Sunday mornings since 2017, and my brother now works with me.
Do you find anything difficult?
I don’t find anything difficult in particular. When I first started volunteering or went back after a while, more experienced volunteers would work with me so that I could ask them if I had a question. I ask them before I push myself too much.
What would you like to do moving forward?
As what one person can do is limited, I want to expand the circle of volunteers. I’ve talked about the House to friends and teachers, who didn’t know about it, at my high school and college. I hope that many people will be interested in the House and join volunteering so that the volunteering will be continued for a long time.
Where you volunteer
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