The guests of the Houses come from far away, sometimes from overseas, with many different thoughts and hopes.
These Family Stories teach us the importance of families spending time together and doing what we can to support them.
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Family Stories
Yukiko Ozawa and Kenbi

Yukiko Ozawa
On my son’s second birthday, we found out that he had a type of liver cancer called hepatoblastoma. Although he underwent chemotherapy for three months at a local hospital (in Hamamatsu), we were told that he would not survive without a liver transplant, so we had him transferred to the National Center for Child Health and Development (in Tokyo).
My husband and daughter stayed in Hamamatsu while my son and I started to live in Tokyo. Being separated, we missed each other, but my husband and daughter came to visit us from Hamamatsu once a month on weekends and we were able to spend time as a family.
Yumi Kawakubo

Yumi Kawakubo
We’ve received support from the House ever since my son was little and every time we come back, the House staff always greet us affectionately and cheer us on. The House is our second home and I hope that they’ll continue to be by our side as our son grows up.
Hiroyuki Imamura

Hiroyuki Imamura
By exchanging lots of information with families that had children with the same disease, I was able to rid myself of anxiety. The House staff were extremely kind and the House really saved us, both financially and emotionally.
I’d be grateful if Ronald McDonald Houses could become more widespread to offer emotional support to the many families with children suffering from chronic diseases.