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RMH Nagoya Welcomes Volunteers !

November 18, 2013

Why don’t you join us by volunteering in RMH Nagoya?

■Place of volunteering:  Ronald McDonald House in Nagoya

 In the premises of Nagoya University Hospital

 65 Tsurumai-machi, Showa-ku, Nagoya City 466-8560

■Major activities:

・ Housekeeping

Cleaning in the House, sorting of donated goods, repair and maintenance

・ Clerical works

Answering phone calls and showing around in the House

Check-in and check-out procedures

■ Qualification: people at or over the age of 17


We are going to  regularly brief volunteer activities in RMH Nagoya .

Place: RMH Nagoya

※Please notify your name and contact information to the following:

Contact: Ronald McDonald House in Nagoya

Phone#: 080-6774-9319(9:00-18:00 on weekdays)

Email: donald_mcdonald_house_nagoya@yahoo.co.jp