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Our status to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 27, 2020

The following is a report on initiatives related to COVID-19 at RMH.

We understand that there are many families who need our support, even though the number of infected people is increasing day by day, depending on the region. However, in order to prevent further spread of the infection, in consideration of restricting the movement of families, RMH will temporarily suspend accepting new families from March 28 (Sat) to April 11 (Sat).
Since the house is not a medical institution or nursing care facility, it is a facility that is not run by medical professionals but operated by volunteers from local community.
As a member of society, we will protect the family who are staying at RMH, volunteers, and staffs.

1. Our policy
We will fulfill our social responsibilities as a member of society to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections in Japan in accordance with the status of the spread of COVID-19 infections and government policies. In the unlikely event that an infected person occurs in the house or in a related party, we will follow the instructions of the local competent administrative department.

2. Our knowledge
We hope that people related to RMH, staffs, volunteers and families will understand the following things.
(1) Efforts to keep out infected people
(2) Efforts not to spread infection
(3) Constant patience and endurance efforts

3. Our Decision
To keep out COVID-19, we promise staffs, volunteers and the family who will stay to keep the following rules.

(1) For staffs
① Our staffs will thoroughly check the health, record the temperature, and wash hands before on duty.
② If there is any suspicion of infection, we will act according to national guidelines.
③ If an infected person emerges from a staff member, we will follow the instructions given by the public health center.

(2) For volunteers
① Volunteers will thoroughly check the health, record the temperature, and wash hands before on duty. We will operate the house with a minimum number of volunteer.
② 1-day-volunteer, company / organization volunteers, club activities by volunteers, massages, reflexology, meal programs will be suspended for a while.
③ We will refrain from gathering large numbers of volunteers in the house, such as events.

(3) For families who stay at the house
① RMH can be used by up to two parents per family. Siblings can’t stay at RMH.
② Outpatients can stay at RMH, but the patient’s who is hospitalized can’t visit RMH .
③ When families check-in, we will ask them to check the temperature, fill out the questionnaire on infectious diseases, and confirm the disease being treated.
④It is not accept to gather with a large number of people at common area such as kitchen and dining room.
⑤Please cooperate with disinfection and cleaning after using the common space (kitchen and dining room).
⑥RMH will temporarily suspend accepting new families from March 28 (Sat) to April 11 (Sat).

We are sorry for the inconvenience for our families and stakeholders until the convergence of the situation, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation in protecting the health of all people involved in the house.

[Inquiries regarding this matter]
If you have any question, please contact RMH for the usage for family and RMHC for others.
TEL: 03-6911-6068
Fax: 03-6911-6198
□Inquiry form